着物や浴衣の着付け方 しゅみのきもの トップ


浴衣の着方、着付け方How to dress and style YUKATA

[☆ 浴衣の着方、着付け方 他装、コーリンベルト未使用編Easy way!]

 ゆかたは、見た目にも涼しげで、夏らしさを感じさせられる装いですね^^Wearing yukata is summery and refreshing.また、ゆかたは長襦袢を着ずに下着の上にそのまま着るので着付けも簡単です。You can wear yukata without traditional underwears, so it's easy to dress and style.気軽に楽しみましょうね。Let's try!



Put on your yukata and try to line the back center on your spine.



、Aline both collars at the same length,両衿先の少し上を右手で持ち、左手で後の背縫いを持ち、

grab the end of collars with right hand, grab the back center with left hand.浴衣を上に持ち上げてくるぶしがかくれるくらいの着丈の位置に決めます。

raise the hem on your ankle. The hem line would be your bottom length.



、Grab and place the end of the left collar on your right side of the hip bone,上前を開き、下前を入れ込み、

open the left collar away from your body and do the same to the right collar,つま先を床から10p位引き上げます。

at the time, bottom hem line should be lifted above the floor about 10cm(it is to avoid bottom hem from getting dirty. ).



Do the same thing to the right side of the bottom hem, but this time raise it 5cm from the floor.手で上前を押さえている位置に腰ひもをあて、

Put your thin belt onto the waist line you have decided in the last procedure,後ろで交差させて前に戻します。

cross it behind your body,(★腰紐が弱いと裾がくずれます)。



tie tightly,前で片花結びにし、ひも先は腰ひもに挟み込みます

and tuck in the rest.



Find the slits on your side, 左右の衿を引き寄せ重ねて、criss-cross the collars,手刀を切るようにトントンと、おはしょりを下におろします。

bring down the loose clothes down



do the same thing on your back side of the upper part of your yukata 衣紋をコブシ一つ分入るくらい抜きます。

make sure you have space between the back of the collar and your neck.(You don't wanna choke yourself.)




If you feel your neck line too loose, fold the loose cloth of your right collar little bit and make the neck line tight.

■  H へ 次ページ目に続きますNext page,ここから♪from here


Be a glam yukata wearing person.


Yukata was used as bathrobes, basically it's a casual way to dress in the summer. 美しく着付けて美人度アップをめざしましょう♪

Dress nicely and be super yukata glam! 衿元が開きすぎていたり、おはしょりが乱れていると、だらしなく 見えてしまいます。

Attention! Avoid wearing your yukata too loose around your neck, chest area or dressing messy.


Check as you go about the day! 衿元は、鎖骨までしっかり閉じます。

Try not to show your collar bones. 直線裁ちのゆかたは、体型の凸凹を無くす事できれいに着あがります。

Yukata is not made with draping technique you find in western clothing. 胸の薄い人は鎖骨下からバストの間にタオルを置いて胸元を整えましょう。

So if you're flat or slim in the upper body, use some towel as body shaping. 胸の豊かな人は和装ブラジャーで押さえ胸元を整えると思いのほかきれいな着付けになります。

If you're thick in the chest area, wear sports bra or similar underwear.


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■ 趣味の着物へ戻る■ 上に戻る

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